All at Tamil Nadu would have faced the spurts of acute fuel shortage and chances are, you too, like me had spent some time on the queue waiting to fill your tank. The last few days had been 'exciting' looking out for every fuel station on the way to see a line of already queued vehicles waiting for the fuel tanker to arrive. The recent fuel hike just added to the woes. We are accustomed to travel long distances, and imagine if for a week or two, the fuel tanker fails to arrive? A tank full of fuel may sustain you for a few days, but after that, you are left with your own foot (or other animals) for travel. Public transport (fuel driven) will not function and as traveling by foot would be difficult to span the distance that we once used to travel in mere minutes. Bicycles will be in great demand and possibly, we would start considering bullock-carts and horse riding. But, somehow, solar energy does not seem to be exploited by us, being in a very sunny place. Perhaps this free / ...
If you've read the Harry Potter series of books, you would probably know what a Pensieve is... To the rest, a Pensieve is a magical device that can store one's thoughts, categorize and interlink facts for later retrieval. This blog contains my thoughts, mostly to archive what I’ve learnt, to look back later. With my being in a technical industry, expect thoughts to be inclined towards my area of work.