MaxMileage Been some time since I've posted. Had been busy reading the final volume of the Harry Potter series which I managed to acquire on the day of the release at the Central Railway station. Putting things aside, I had also managed to learn a little bit of DotNet programming and created a simple project @ SourceForge. With my interest in fuel economy, I had created a simple application to keep track of your progress and view the data as charts. It's not a complete application yet! I know a few hundred similar apps exists, but this I felt was more apt for my needs and I get a chance to program too.
If you've read the Harry Potter series of books, you would probably know what a Pensieve is... To the rest, a Pensieve is a magical device that can store one's thoughts, categorize and interlink facts for later retrieval. This blog contains my thoughts, mostly to archive what I’ve learnt, to look back later. With my being in a technical industry, expect thoughts to be inclined towards my area of work.