Is the future the web OS? With more capable and feature complete browsers, it becomes easy to develop newer things that were never imagined before. To the extent of building an operating system using Flash or AJAX. Quite a few have cropped up recently. Check out for a list of in-development WebOSes. So, what do I get out of a web OS? Location independence , information is stored in a central location can can be accessed over the web from anywhere. This is very much down the drain if you own a portable device or computer as you have all the info you need. But, there are instances where you may not be allowed to carry your portables, where as you might have access to the Internet where you can quickly pull out the information you need. This could be an advantage as well as a dis-advantage, the latter being, a single point of failure render non-availability / loss / leakage of your documents. But, some OSes do allow you to save your data locally a...
If you've read the Harry Potter series of books, you would probably know what a Pensieve is... To the rest, a Pensieve is a magical device that can store one's thoughts, categorize and interlink facts for later retrieval. This blog contains my thoughts, mostly to archive what I’ve learnt, to look back later. With my being in a technical industry, expect thoughts to be inclined towards my area of work.